AGU/ASLO and TOS inform that
The biennial Ocean Sciences Meeting, co-sponsored by AGU, ASLO, and TOS will be held at the Hawaii Convention Center in Honolulu on February 23-28, 2014. Increasing evidence of multiple human impacts on the oceans makes this is a critical time for the largest international assembly of ocean scientists, engineers, students, educators, policy makers, and other stake holders to gather and share their results on research, application of research, and education.As the call for proposals of sessions reached us (Hans von Storch and Anders Omstedt) just hours before deadline, we submitted a proposal "The future of the Baltic Sea" without further disucssion within the BALTEX group. The proposal goes with this announcement
The Baltic Sea is an marginal sea under many pressures, originating from global climate change, import of alien species, eutrophication and the release of pollutants, dumped ammunition, overfishing and various engineering modifications, including dynamic development in coastal societies, hydro and nuclear power plants, massive wind farming and various bridge and tunnel crossings in the sounds to the open ocean. At the same time, the Baltic Sea is used for very many different purposes, from previous military use, to intense agriculture, tourism and natural preservation. The Baltic Sea has went through massive political development during last decades and new trust between the different countries have been possible to develop demonstrated by 20 years research within the BALTEX program, the HELCOM intergovermental work and the joint financing research program BONUS.We now hope that the proposal will be accepted (which is uncertain), and that many of us will see each other in February next year in Honolulu.
We want to discuss recent developments and design future scenarios. Strategies for gaining scientific underpinning of political decision processes, such as the BACC assessment of knowledge about climate, climate impact and climate change, and HELCOM action plans will be reviewed.