Friday, 27 March 2015

BACC II Launch at ECCA2015 in Copenhagen

According to Springer, the BACC II book will be officially published on 14 May 2015:

On this occasion we will have a short launch event in the frame of ECCA 2015 the European Climate Change Adaptation Conference, 12-14 May in Copenhagen, with an expected 1.000 participants. This conference seems perfect for the launch of the book, as international stakeholders interested in regional climate change information will gather there.

The event will be on Thursday 14 May as Midday Plenary in the Auditorium 11 of the Bella Center in Copenhagen, 13:15 - 13:45.

There will be a short introduction to BACC by Hans von Storch, followed by a podium discussion. Here, we have confirmed participation by a range of stakeholders:

Hans von Storch, climate scientist and BACC initiator
Deliang Chen, climate scientist (University of Gothenburg, and former Executive Director of ICSU, the International Council of Science)
Maxi Nachtigall, representative of a political network (CBSS Secretariat; the Council of the Baltic Sea States provides an intergovernmental platform for regional cooperation and works through networks and project-based activities)
Lykke Leonardsen, practitioner in climate change adaptation (Head of Climate Unit, City of Copenhagen)
HELCOM representative (asked) HELCOM is the intergovernmental commission for the protection of the Baltic Sea, and an important policy-science interface in the Baltic Sea region. HELCOM has been a prime stakeholder of BACC, and two HELCOM Thematic Assessment Reports were published on the basis of the BACC material.

Earlier on this day (Thursday 14 May), a short summary of the BACC II book will be presented in the Session "Adapting the Baltic Sea region to a changing climate" under the Topic "Regional Challenges and Opportunities", at 8:30 in the Auditorium 12.

We sincerely hope to see many of you at this event, to be part of the BACC II launch!