Thursday, 16 April 2015

BACC II Book now available!

Unlike pronounced earlier, the BACC II book is already now available and ready for free download from the Springer website, thanks to swift page proof processing by the authors and the formatting people at Springer.

Here is the BACC II homepage at Springer with a direct download link:

Nevertheless, we will have the our launch event at the European Climate Change Adaptation Conference (ECCA 2015) in Copenhagen on 14 May. Look here for details...

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Greetings from Vienna: Joint Baltic-North Sea Climate Change Session at EGU by BACC and NOOSCA

Each year, geoscientists from all over the world meet in Vienna at the European General Assembly (EGU). This year, the Baltic Earth Secretariat, together with the coordinators of the North Sea climate change assessment project NOSCCA, had organized a joint session which aimed to bring together the recent results of both recent assessments, BACC II and NOSCCA. 

The half-day session was called “Climate change assessments for the Baltic and North Sea regions: Observations, model projections and impacts” and was one of the opening sessions of the conference on Monday 13 April. Despite strong competition, the lecture hall was almost “sold out”, and we counted nearly 100 participants. The oral session with 12 talks in the morning was complemented by a poster session in the evening, during which 17 posters were on display. 

The concept to bring together the two assessments proved to be successful, which was shown by the large number of participants and vivid discussions at both the oral and poster sessions. Thus, we cannot rule out that we aim at a similar session at EGU next year…

Conveners of the session were Marcus Reckermann and Anders Omstedt on behalf of BACC, and Markus Quante and Corinna Schrum on behalf of NOSCCA.