BACC has compiled the available knowledge on climate change and its impacts in the Baltic Sea region in a book in 2008. Then in 2010 there was a dedicated report following the BACC template, for the metropolitan region of Hamburg in Northern Germany; this only in German due to its geographically very regional scope. And then an initiative was started to do a BACC-like effort for the North Sea region - named NOSCCA (North Sea Region Climate Change Assessment). The NOSCCA team did not have the advantage that it could be recruited from an existing network of scientists, like BALTEX for the Baltic Sea in the case of BACC. Even more appreciable are the successful efforts of the NOSCCA coordinators to install a high level scientific writing team. The NOSCCA book will be published at the end of 2015 or early 2016, presumably, but they are now in a phase at which their results and chapters contents can be shared with the scientific community. This will be done in a joint session together with BACC. The BACC II book is about to be published (in print, expected in spring 2015). BACC II will also be available as Open Access.
Dedicated Session at EGU General Assemly 2015 in Vienna, 12-17 April 2015:
Climate change assessments for the Baltic and North Sea regions (BACC, NOSCCA): Observations, model projections and impacts.
Programme expected by 25 February 2015.
Early Registration deadline by 12 March 2015.
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