Wednesday, 27 February 2013

7th Study Conference on BALTEX

Just a reminder:

7th Study Conference on BALTEX

Changes in Energy, Water and Matter Cycles - 20 Years of BALTEX Research
Building Regional Earth System Knowledge - A future programme for the Baltic Sea region

Borgholm, Öland, Sweden
10-14 June 2013

Obviously a conference, were all friends of scientific analysis of the Baltic Sea regional environment should show up. However, the deadline for submission of abstracts is tomorrow!Submission is easy, just go to

Friday, 22 February 2013

BALTEX is ending - An new programme is starting

At the 7th Study Conference on BALTEX, to be held on the beautiful Swedish island of Öland, 10-14 June (the week before mid-summer!), BALTEX (the mother of BACC) will be officially terminated after 20 years and two successful research phases. At that conference, the new programme will be presented and also given a name and a new logo. For a first glimpse and taste of the new programme, read the new BALTEX Newsletter. It may be interesting for BACCers to see that the assessment idea sensu BACC is intended to be taken up in the new programme.

A call for papers for the Öland Conference is still open until 28 February.

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

HELCOM Workshop discusses recent findings and options to cope with climate change

A HELCOM Workshop on Climate Change was organized on 5 and 6 February 2013 in Warnemünde, Germany, in conjunction with BALTEX. The most recent climate change findings were presented by BACC II authors and other experts. Scientists and stakeholders were present to discuss these results and possible options to cope with climate change and its impacts on the Baltic Sea ecosystem.

A podium discussion with scientists and stakeholders and expert breakout discussion rounds elaborated a number of proposals. Presentations given at the workshop can be downloaded from the HELCOM website here... The conclusion document together with the agenda and a list of participants can be directly downloaded here....