Wednesday, 27 February 2013

7th Study Conference on BALTEX

Just a reminder:

7th Study Conference on BALTEX

Changes in Energy, Water and Matter Cycles - 20 Years of BALTEX Research
Building Regional Earth System Knowledge - A future programme for the Baltic Sea region

Borgholm, Öland, Sweden
10-14 June 2013

Obviously a conference, were all friends of scientific analysis of the Baltic Sea regional environment should show up. However, the deadline for submission of abstracts is tomorrow!Submission is easy, just go to

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dear All;

During the Öland Conference I will summarize BALTEX main results. For me all contacts with BALTEX people all around the Baltic Sea is great. Also the study conferenes at different Baltic Sea Islands and lots of new science. What is the 10 main BALTEX achievements?

Best regards
